Synology surveillance station license used
Synology surveillance station license used

Linux: Check /usr/java/default or /usr/lib/jvm.

synology surveillance station license used

If it is not set, you need to find out where the JDK has been installed to:

synology surveillance station license used

(The above link has installers for MacOS too, but you want a Java that is as tightly integrated into your operating system as possible.) In a console (or command prompt, or terminal) window, check that it works: javac -version Environment variables You need to have three environment variables correctly set: JAVA_HOME, PATH, and HADOOP_CLASSPATH. MacOS: Use an online tutorial for this.

synology surveillance station license used

The JAVA_HOME path shall not contain the substring /jre anywhere (but it contains a subfolder called jre).

  • Windows: echo%JAVA_HOME% If it is set correctly, the JAVA_HOME folder will have a lib/ subfolder that contains a file tools.jar.

  • Synology surveillance station license used